Tuesday, 20 March 2012

Questions working towards my final project

So I almost certain that my final project will be based on issue based theatre. My actual line of inquiry- and what questions I want to ask and answer is still blury. However I have created a questionnaire and have pilotted this questionnaire with numerous members of staff at the Chickenshed Theatre Company, who have all been involved with Chickenshed issue based theatre work in one way or another.

These are my questions, feed back and critsim welcome so that i can improve it and then send it out to a much wider target group;

  1. What does issue based theatre mean to you?                                                     
  2. Do you think issue based theatre is effective?   Yes    if so why                    No  if not why              
  3. Chickenshed has tackled many issues over the years using issue based theatre as the medium between Chickenshed and various target groups. Has there been any contraversy atttached to any of these pieces?                                                                                                    
  4. What three issues do you believe can be most effectively challenged using issue based theatre? (Consider factors such as contravery, ethic, causing offence, and how genuwine it is, please circle 3) Racism, Sexual Abuse, Knife Crime, Rape, Murder, Domestic Violence, Peodophilla, Sex Trafficing, Prison System, Mental Health, War Replecation of real events, Cancer and Politics
  5. Rate your own personal belief on the effectiveness of issue based theatre from 0% (not effective) to 100% (eniterely effective)                                              
  6. Should you prevent issue based theatre becoming too artistically creative?   Yes    No

The layout of this is much better when on paper im just not very good on work to be able to do it now. Ive also started on the ethics regarding my possible project which it proving harder than I originally expected.

Please let me know what you think

Jojo x

Sunday, 18 March 2012


So the pressure of trying to balance getting all my work done and also working almost full time is beginning to become a strain. However after my first assignment I have noticed my self asking the questions which are require for the course- and also trying to think of methods to answer these questions.

I cannot hide that my confusion of the this course asks of me has lifted but I will continue to persevere to TRY and full fill this. So i am going to start getting used to the blogging circle so see if any of my fellow student who i hope felt the same way when they started this course can help.

I have been a cast member of a show call "Crime of the Century" now for around 2/3 years. I have gathered a scrap book together with interviews that i have gathered from Brooke Kinsella who was formally on Eastenders and also lost her brother Ben to knife crime. As in 2008 I lost my cousin Shaquille Smith to a similar event we have become quite close in our passion to over come this issue. She has given me a number of interviews which i can use, and also says that she will be willing to partake in any extra research which i need on this topic.
Also last summer i attended a meeting at the Ministry of Justice, about victims and their treatment after a crime has been committed. Baroness Helen Newlove has also given me some material on her views on the issue, which i think will be useful as she is now a member in the House of Lords.

Other than that i have countless experiences and testimonies from young people who i have worked with over the years which i can use as evidence. As my Passion for this subject and also the ease at which i can gather material is enormous i know i definitely want to base my final project on issue based theatre.

So .... I have material and what i want to do....but now what to actually start doing has meant Ive hit a blockade can anyone help me please?

I sooo confused!