- The action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure: "the inclusion of handicapped students".
- A person or thing that is included within a larger group or structure
This is the most basic definition of inclusion. I simple typed into google the definition an copied and pasted what i found. However i feel the term in which i use this word due to my time at Chickenshed have vastly changed and has a much wider range than simply feeling included. This is obviously the key foundation but the word spans over so much more ground.
To me inclusion is in the process and the feeling of the environment. To not only feel included but feel valued, wanted and needed. It moulds and adapts in different situations for different people. And it is NOT just the inclusion of "handicapped students"- my first thought when reading that definition is that its a contridiction in terms- stating and labelling students that have extra needs as "handicapped" is excluding in it self.
I did however really struggle to define inclusion and then questioned myself as to is my definition is the same as others who are involved in Chickenshed. As i had time on my hands and upon reflection came to the assumtion that everyone in Chickenshed doesnt hold a conclusive defination of inclusion i asked people that were walkin past me to sum up inclusion to them in one word. This is what i found:
Inclusion is.....
Open 13
Together 16
Belonging 7
Life 2
Safe 11
Wanted 4
Other 17
Other consisted of: included, here, not excluding, disabilities, home
This on the spot research i thought was important as to go forward with my inquiry plan i had to know when comparing the Inclusive environment in which i belong to- i actually knew what it order to compare..if that makes sense.
Drama Way
Currently i do not know alot about the company, but on it a breif readit seems to slightly follow the layout of the Chickenshed Process. For example titles in the document include " Drama a second chance to learn ".
Once i finish the reading of the document i will blogg about it, but i am quite excited to find a company who practises inclusion as it could help me to compare and contrast their process, method and product to the one of Chickenshed. Also in my actual finial project i could make contact and see if they have ever tackled issue based theatre.
I have had contact over the last year with a group of students who have created a forum theatre based show which has the main issue of gang-violence. They do not claim to practice in an inclusive setting, and for that i believe could make an excellent compare and contrasting company.
These are all things in the pipe line. For my inquiry however im uncertain as to how far i need to go in researching these companies. Do i just find them and mention them in the inquiry, or do i find some basic facts about them then in my finial project go into much more detail with them.
Please let me know any thoughts