I came accross this organisation a couple of weeks ago when i went to an "Anti-knife Crime" conference.
I spoke quite thouroghly with Michael who is the founder of Word4Weapons. When starting out on my inquiry and trying to think about the best way i could approach this i suddenly thought about our conversation.
I am very passionate about the power of Theatre in order to tackle issues as it has to in its creation and execution take a more holistic approach to any issue in its focus. This holistic approach takes away the element of blame- "Locke 2009" published a book on this "blame culture" which we are now livng in, where people strive to blame anybody, this is seen in lawsuits, compensation adverts, medical practises and in every single acticle in the paper where an issue is disscussed someone is blamed.
Michael from word4weapons has this "tough love" approach, using elements of the blame culture. He is very blunt with the reason why knife crime has risen, and what he has done is provide knife bins in certain areas of the country for young individuals to throw them away and start again.
When i first head of this approach of attempting to tackle this issue i did think quite ignorantly "it would never work it too simple", especially as i belive the way to tackle this issue is indepth conversations to get to the route of the problem and them work our way up from there. HOWEVER IT IS WORKING!
He has had MASSIVE success with these knive bins, his organisation has won awards ect.
Also at this conference an ambulance worker spoke to all of us that were there and told the most horrif stories of what hes seen and delt with in the most grusome detail. And by the look of the audience (who consisted of the target group i would use in my inguiry.) This scare tactit also worked!
This on reflection (and quite late reflection as i didnt think about it until yesterday) has meant that potentially i would change the direction of my inquiry to more of a comparision between other organisations that try and tackle issues in a non-theatrical way and directly compare that to organisations that do use theatre as the medium to push social change. But then compare Chickenshed inclusive methods with other organistions who do not practice inclusive theatre and see what i can find.
I belive this will be more effective in my line of study as all this different organisations are doing some right so combining the best elements and identifying the worst could create a more powerful product....potentially..i might just be getting carried away!
BUT i dont know wether to narrow my search to just knife crime antigang violence issue....or issue based theatre in general ....
any thoughts will be very well recieved
Its interesting, I feel that you have one umbrella term of issue based theatre which you seem certain on, and due to your professional placement you will be using an inclusive ethos within your practice and the inquiry itself will have an element of this. I now feel its important to reflect on and gain a better understanding of the target group that you plan your activity for and also what you want its purpose to be.
ReplyDeleteAre you saying you want to work at ground level with young people on an issue based theatre project and if so,why? To instil a desire for change? As a tool for education? Maybe it would be helpful to look at the functions of theatre and then decide what your project will allow you to achieve.
Alternatively your aim may be to use young people as they are the age specified in the issue and create a formal issue based performance that challenges the audience, the cast will obviously take away a sense of knowledge and understanding but in this way you use the vehicle of theatre to start the domino effect of change with a generation that can make possible changes. Members of the audience could work in positions with the ability to aid the issue you are concerned with and so turns a tide of change.
Simplify your thoughts,
-what are you trying to say?
-to whom?
-with the intention that...?
Once you identify these you can then understand exactly what your inquiry, questions and hopes to solve or at least shed more light on!
hope this helps!
Jojo - looking at how others practice in the not for profit sector is very useful - keep linking us in with your journey
ReplyDeleteResponding to what Anthony has suggested about the functions of theatre and the issues that are used for this practice as 2 separate things in order to explore both in more depth. For example - to find out what you want to say - research the issue topic - using a few references that go beyond the tabloids and beyond personal experience - it is that analysis triangle to data/literature/analysis to keep in mind.
then the theatre practice
other points of view
I think there are more sources elsewhere- you get the idea?
yes simplify - it sounds like Anthony is using his experience from his inquiry activity - what are you doing and why - these are the questions they really trip us up when asked...