HI long time no blog!
I finally feel like i have a handle on my inquiry. I got myself into a bit of a frenzy having me inquiry so vast that i got lost with where to start. I narrowed it down and brought it right back to the fundamentals of what i am talking about..and so therefore what data to analyse ~(as i go swamped with data) not a bad thing but hard to manage.
My inquiry at such is
intro -done draft form
evaluation of inquiry- nearly done
analysis of findings- done
lit review done
critical reflect done
artifact- kinda everywhere but think done most of written form
that was more for my benefit than anyone Else's head is all over the place but confident i can meet deadline.
for anyone that has other questions on me what im doing or if i can help them in anyway feel free to email me on jojom@chickenshed.org.uk
Thanks Jojo, Bw